A little rambling observation

I am pleased that I have some momentum underway here, posting a few things so far, and it feels good.

I notice however that what is really helping me to shoehorn in posting here as a priority among all the work and life stuff that I have going on, is participating in a challenge and feeling like that matters. Just a little simple something to psych myself into ‘doing it’.

The other thing that is emerging for me is that I am a bit of a silly perfectionist, and that this gets in my way a lot, so I end up not being productive ‘until it is right/perfect’ so of course a lot gets left behind never to see the light of day.

What I’ve done about that is to adopt the Cult of Done manifesto. So the object is to just do it and not to faff about getting it right.

The first few posts here were a bit pathetic in my own eyes – nothing like the lovely crafted posts I saw other people making. I almost gave up because of that, and happily I pushed through my own feelings and embraced the idea of winning ugly by just posting it, however unfinished it was.

And boy, were those first two character posts unfinished! And what I’m finding is, as I go on I’m getting some momentum and I can always swing back and add to them, which is what I did and will continue to do. I couldn’t have done that if I hadn’t published the ugly unfinished versions first.

1 thought on “A little rambling observation”

  1. Nothing is ever perfect and things that seem that way are often not when you look behind the curtain.

    Keep going and learn from experience. In the last three years, I have often changed my tools, play style, maps, and now even the rule system. The game is a living thing and things will change.

    You can do this!!!!

    Have to close this comment before I break out the cheerleader pom-poms.


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